Daily Archives: December 6, 2017

How is Alimony Calculated in Florida?

How is Alimony Calculated in Florida?

Alimony is the money that one spouse pays the other following a divorce. There are various factors that determine the amount of alimony that will be awarded. Understanding how these factors come into play will help you have more realistic expectations. In this article Jacksonville divorce attorney Patricia Parker explains how alimony is calculated in the state of Florida: Factors…

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Practice Areas

• Divorce
• Custody/Timesharing
• Alimony
• Child Support
• Division of Assets/Liabilities
• Paternity
• Department of Revenue

• Modification
• Relocation
• Contempt
• Enforcement
• Department of Children and Families
• Guardian/Attorney Ad-Litem
• Domestic Violence

Office Hours

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Law Offices of Patricia L. Parker © 2017 All rights reserved.

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