Monthly Archives: January 2018

What Happens to My Home After Divorce?

What Happens to My Home After Divorce?

Dividing marital property is never easy when you’re going through a divorce. It can be especially difficult when it comes to your house. Your home is often one of your largest assets, and it’s also filled with sentimental value and priceless memories. Be sure to speak to an experienced divorce attorney in Jacksonville if you’re facing divorce and the division…

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Practice Areas

• Divorce
• Custody/Timesharing
• Alimony
• Child Support
• Division of Assets/Liabilities
• Paternity
• Department of Revenue

• Modification
• Relocation
• Contempt
• Enforcement
• Department of Children and Families
• Guardian/Attorney Ad-Litem
• Domestic Violence

Office Hours

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Law Offices of Patricia L. Parker © 2017 All rights reserved.

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