Daily Archives: January 18, 2024

Uncovering Hidden Assets: A Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer’s Guide to Protecting Your Rights in Florida

Uncovering Hidden Assets: A Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer’s Guide to Protecting Your Rights in Florida

Help! I’m divorcing a spouse who’s hiding assets… “They’re hiding assets…” is an all-too-common phrase heard by Jacksonville Divorce Attorneys.  If your spouse is trying to treat you unfairly, take a deep breath- Florida law is on your side. Unless you have a prenuptial agreement, Florida law mandates a “fair” distribution of all marital assets.  In accordance with Florida’s equitable…

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Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorces in Jacksonville, FL

Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorces in Jacksonville, FL

Dissolving Marriage Dissolving a marriage is as unique as the union itself, and couples often navigate divorces in different ways. While some part ways amicably, arriving at mutually agreeable divorce terms, others find themselves entangled in significant disputes at every juncture. When couples approach us seeking a divorce, one of the key considerations we explore is how they wish to…

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Practice Areas

• Divorce
• Custody/Timesharing
• Alimony
• Child Support
• Division of Assets/Liabilities
• Paternity
• Department of Revenue

• Modification
• Relocation
• Contempt
• Enforcement
• Department of Children and Families
• Guardian/Attorney Ad-Litem
• Domestic Violence

Office Hours

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Law Offices of Patricia L. Parker © 2017 All rights reserved.

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